Steel Magnolia ladies, haven’t we all had times where the walls are creeping in, the ceiling is caving in and we can’t stop it?

You know those days ladies. Admit it! It’s the end of summer so that means the kids are restless, bored and whining to do something,. Your monster-in-law is “coming to visit,” also known as doing a “checking
on my son inspection” (so you HAVE to find that dang gravy boat). You just got distant relatives out of your house, the dog needs to pee, dinner’s overcooking, you’re on Pinterest on your tablet while playing Candy Crush for your sanity on your cell phone, and the husband waltzes in with a “why do you look stressed and unshowered” look on his face. Hopefully he just backs away slowly at this point. Summer’s ending and while it was fun, shopping for school clothes and supplies is like pulling teeth… you know it has to be done but you just don’t to!!! Until then, what do you do?

Short of trying to call in sick, which for some reason never works, what else do we do? Start a support group called, WWASAP aka Wive’s need Wine ASAP? I wish! I say take it one day at a time. I know in this day and age, Pinterest makes us crazy with all these Pallet project ideas (I am taking donated pallets by the way…LOL). But summer isn’t always the best time to Martha Stewart it up.

We live on the Golden Coast! Get out there and cherish this vitamin D while you can and just go with the flow. Fall will be here soon at which time the zombie routine of school traffic, sports practices, shlubbing over mundane routines will begin. That can get tedious so enjoy the freedom of just doing whatever you want to do while you have the scheduling freedom to do so! Take your kiddos hiking, fishing, shooting, horseback riding (wow you can tell I’m from Texas), card games, movie trivia, the beach, teach the kids to dance or whatever your family likes to do. Ceramic painting, yoga, whale watching, museums, the library for reading, drive-in movies, traveling, etc., to keep the summer spirit. Try to steer clear from all the crazy distractions, put on some good music and just have fun while enjoying family time. Your kiddos are only young once so live it up! Fake doctors orders! Oh, and word of advice for husbands, if you ever catch us with a glossed over look in our eyes, just turn and appear to clean something,. Sometimes we just need a helping hand and ear to vent to. The world will be better place. I wish each and every one of you luck on the end of summer blues!

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